What We Do
Bidwill Uniting offers a range of services and supports that run out of our Community Hub
For specific programs, please check out our What’s On Calendar.
Advocacy- Individual and Systems Focused
We advocate with residents on individual matters that affect them, and we also work on systems focused projects with other members of the collective to speak into and try to change the systems that negatively affect the community we work with.
Computer, Internet and Phone
Residents are welcome to pop in to use our computer, phone and internet. We also offer limited photocopying, printing and laminating. If residents would like to learn how to use a computer or device, we have volunteers that can help with that too.
Drop In
Our centre is open Monday to Thursday each week. Residents are welcome to pop in anytime for a cuppa and a chat.
We aim to support families and children through our collective work. Children are supported through a number of children’s programs run out of our centre such as Busy Bees, Messy Play, the After School Program and CUBS.
Lawn Mower Hire
We hire out lawn mowers and whipper snippers for a small fee to help people keep their yards in good shape. Contact our office for more information on 02 9835 2970.
Personal Support
We listen and support people through difficult times and good. This can include home visits and hospital visits, phone calls to keep in touch when people can’t get out and about, and more.
Local groups that we support with our time and resources
Together in Bidwill (TIB)
TIB is a group of agencies and residents that meet together monthly to plan collective work, hear what the community is saying and respond to issues.
We meet on:
- 11am
- second Thursday of each month
- Bidwill Uniting
Bidwill Community Garden (BCG)
BCG is run by volunteers who are passionate about gardening and maintaining the wonderful space for the whole community to enjoy. Bidwill Uniting supports the BCG with the facilitation of meetings, volunteer management and recruitment, seeking funding, event planning and building the capacity of volunteers to run the garden independently.
BCG is always looking for more volunteers so please contact Chantal on 02 9835 2970 if you are interested!
BCG is open:
- 9:30am to 12:00pm
- Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays
- 48a Chestnut Crescent Bidwill
Mt Druitt and District Reconciliation Group
Bidwill Uniting supports the local Reconciliation Group by providing a representative to participate in meetings, plan events and continue to foster healthy dialogues around reconciliation with our First Peoples.
For more information about this group or to get involved, call Bec on 02 9835 2970.
The group meets on:
- 5:30pm
- first Tuesday of each month
- Holy Family Centre (off Emert Parade), Emerton
FUNPARK is a youth-led coalition focused on community engagement, advocacy and celebrating place, culture, young people and the community of Bidwill and Mount Druitt.
Bidwill Uniting is a member of the FUNPARK coalition and supports the project through office space, resourcing and mentoring.
For more information about this project, call 02 9835 2970.